Saturday, February 24, 2007

Signs Of A Gifted Child

Being the parent of and raising a gifted child can be very exciting and rewarding yet just as daunting as well. But first, how do you as a parent recognize a sign of a gifted child? Definitions and perceptions of what exactly constitutes a gifted child vary among those experts in this field of child development and education.

Gifted children will generally not only require some modifications to the teaching they receive, but will also require parenting modification as well in order to develop optimally. Many times because gifted children will still develop physically and emotionally at an average rate, this will present some interesting dilemmas for both parents and teachers.

However, as with any child that would have special needs, early recognition and proper intervention play a key role in supporting a gifted child.

Some early signs of giftedness may include:

Has an advanced specific talent with numbers and math or perhaps can draw exceptionally realistic pictures.

Early and advanced language, vocabulary, and memory skills.

An advanced or intense sense of curiosity
A long attention span.

High level of activity (although hyperactive children display high levels of activity, theirs is usually one combined with a short attention span).

Reaches child development skills well ahead of their peers.

Functions at a high level not needing as much sleep (infancy).

At an early age easily reacts to (recognize) their caregiver.

At some point the child may begin to sense they are different and display signs of withdrawal.
The child could possibly show signs of frustrations as their ability to express themselves (emotional development) isn’t on par with their mental capabilities. Frequent anger and frustration is a watch point, and could warrant seeking professional advice.

If your child consistently exhibits several of these characteristics (if your child is gifted, many of these characteristics go hand in hand) you may want to have your child assessed by a child development professional.

About the author:
Mary Joyce is a former educator, successful homeschool parent, and the primary contributor to the Homeschool-Curriculum-4u website. Please visit http// for more of Mary's articles, resources on homeschool, ideas, and curriculum information.
Also tips guides and how-to's to help you successfully teach your child at home.

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